Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jeremy had his tonsils and adenoids taken out this past Tuesday. The surgery went good it's self but afterwords Jeremy had a really hard time. He was in recovery for 5 hours and then admitted to Pediatric ICU because his oxygen level wouldn't stay up. The surgery was about 55 minutes and they said he had really really big tonsils and adenoids for his age. Once in recovery we were able to go and be with him. His oxygen was suppose to be anywhere from 96 to 100% but is was running 94 to 96 with oxygen on and 84 to 88 with it off and after 5 hours of him having a hard time waking up and his oxygen level being this low they decided to keep him over night. Once we got to the ICU room he started to wake up a little more. After a few more hours he was able to eat and drink and use the bathroom. That same evening his oxygen started to stay around 96 with the oxygen on so they took it off and it stayed between 94 and 95 so they left it off all night and 2 times it went down to 92 but other then that it stayed up where it should be. They let us come home the next morning and by Wednesday evening he was running a fever and he had a really bad night with a lot of coughing and pain so today I am taking him to his regular doctor for a check up and to get some blood work done to make sure there is no infection. Please pray that everything will be OK so we don't have to go back to Morgantown again. He was eating well the first evening and the next day but he has stopped eating again and is still running a fever which worries me. He is on an antibiotic and pain medicine every 4 hours so hopefully it will start working better. In the two picture I put with the blog was taken with my cell phone right after he had drank some medicine to relax him which they call happy medicine. He was so funny after this medicine because he was laughing hysterically and trying to do a maze and couldn't draw a straight line at all.


  1. Gotta love the Versed! I hope Jeremy is feeling better quick - they say days 7-10 are the worst with the scabbing of the tonsils. Please keep us posted on his doctor visit!

  2. I hope he starts to feel better soon! We'll be thinking of you!
